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It is the environmental policy and objective of Custom Design Group to prevent pollution wherever possible and to continuously improve our methods of manufacturing moulded electric cable terminations and connections in order to reduce waste and pollution and to satisfy the full requirements of our legal and moral obligations to define interested outside bodies and the general public.

The above Environmental Policy is mandatory for all company staff and a source of reference for others. The policy is available to all interested parties and copies are posted on the company notice boards to ensure the environmental policy and objectives are understood at all levels in the organisation.

We commit ourselves to this policy by having an Environmental Procedures Manual that has been planned and implemented and can demonstrate its efficiency and control in all matters relating to environmental matters.

Regular internal auditing and management reviews' ensure our continuing commitment and maintenance of the system. All employees are urged to be vigorous in the pursuit of environmental issues.

The Managing Director carries the additional title of Environmental Manager in order that he can execute, co-ordinate and supervise the Environmental system irrespective of his other duties. He is also prime signatory to the Environmental Procedures and associated documents and has authority to stop non complying activities. The Environmental Manager is assisted by his fellow directors who deputise in his absence.

Environmental training for personnel, the continuous improvement of our premises and updating our equipment enables us to maintain high environmental standards.

We welcome the environmental representative to our offices and factory where all environmental procedures and working documents are available for the purpose of surveillance and inspection.

The environmental system is aimed at supporting the above policy and is structured to meet the requirements of ISO 14001.  CDG is currently working towards gaining ISO 14001 accreditation.